

Jan 24, 2013

School project to project our school

This one is my school's miniature model I made with a classmate as a school project. The project's main idea was to create something that could be added to our school's museum we are now building. Even why the high school were I study is one of the oldest in town, sadly we didn't have a museum until now. Others contributed with informations about Kostandin Kristoforidhi's artistic life  (the person after whom is named my school), or school's achievements through years.
Among several topics we chose to recreate the building of our school in smaller sizes. Sleepless nights, tiring days, but in the end the result was what we had in mind since from the beginning. (However, I'm sure we wouldn't make it right without daddy's indications. He's an artist and knows things better.)
I wanted to do this so badly because we're leaving next year for university and this will always remain in there. And secondly because this is so going to be attached to my "dossier jaune" when to apply for architecture.

This is the whole process of our work.. 


 Sleepy me, after staying up all night to finish it..

Messy us! lol

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did..
Love, Hega.


  1. Spechless!! This is one of the mos interesting,beatiful things I've ever seen! Our tiny school looks equal xD ...U are so talented! keep going!! :"D

  2. E mir mirrrr :P Stunning *_*


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