

Apr 28, 2013

Come up roses

I wanted a pair of floral pattern jeans, so instead of buying them I decided to make a pair on my own. After seeing this blog post, I found it easier than I ever thought and didn't hesitate to bring my own version. I wasn't seeking for plain white roses, so I brought some red, green and white paint from the center where I paint every weekend (click HERE if you want to see).
I chose the oldest jeans I possess and bleached them because I wanted a lighter shade. 

Then all I had to do was paint, by using a sponge. 
I didn't have much red and green, but hopefully I had a lot of white paint, so the colors that came out were light, kind of pastel ones. So randomly I created a peachy color, which i love.
And this is how I painted my roses. 

Et voilĂ !

Hope you liked it
Love, Hega xx


  1. Creative! ^_^ xoxo

  2. what a creative mind *.*

  3. U should be a fashion designer! Defenately!! Stunning! <3 _______ <3

  4. Super yll *_* Je shume kreative dhe shume e zonja :D me pelqejne jashtezakonisht shume ashtu si dhe cdo gje qe ke krijuar ^_^

  5. Uauu Hega i adhuroj jashtezakonisht shume :D Je shum e talentuar dhe kreative ^_^


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